Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked and/or victims of abuse both domestically in the United States and internationally. Fear induced by their trafficker through threats, punishment, and isolation makes victims unlikely to seek assistance. Additionally, many avoid the police out of fear of being deported or detained depending on their immigration status.
Human trafficking is defined as the illegal exploitation of an individual who is bought and sold as a slave, whether sexual or labor wise. Traffickers use violence, manipulation, or deceit of paying jobs or romantic relationships to exploit their vulnerable victims, some of which work in prostitution, escorting, and receive little to no pay. Human Trafficking is NOT to be confused with Human Smuggling, which is the illegal act of transporting individuals (i.e. migrant workers).
Types of Human Trafficking:
Exploitation can be defined as the act of involving a child for economic or other reasons in criminal activities.
Types of Child Exploitation:
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